The High School Life

Surviving and getting through these 4 tough, yet fun years.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

So first off, we would just like to say happy new years eve to everyone! In high school there are many consequences for different things you may do, so just don't do anything bad. This year (even though we launched this blog like 2 weeks ago) we have had a lot of success and many positive comments were written on posts. We would like to say a special thanks to our viewers for giving feedback and reading our posts.

Thanks everyone! Have a great NEW year. Don't forget though this is also a big opportunity to start with a set of new grades as the new semester approaches. It wouldn't hurt to put down some goals either, maybe about academics or athletics.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Be Yourself.

Everybody has had those days where you are just in a daze. When you are constantly looking at that cute guy in the corner, or that girl that is sitting right in front of you is more beautiful than you remember. Just remember always be yourself. Never be someone you are not to impress someone else, it isn't worth it. When you act like someone else, you are obligated to keep acting like that mystery figure, and you will try to continue. Before you know it, you won't even know who you are.

1. No matter what the situation is, never act like another person.
2. You may sometimes feel pressured to do something. Know who you are, and do not do it. Ask yourself the question "Would I do this thing if my mom was right here with me?"
3. ALWAYS be yourself in high school.

Acting like someone you're not will eventually catch up to you.  You will find yourself with people you don't even really want to be with, or have nothing in common with.  You just ended up with them through the things you did, which are not even things you wanted to do.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting to School

In high school, there are many ways you can get to school.  This includes the bus, carpooling, walking/riding your bike, or driving there alone (parents or yourself).  Well which do you choose??

By going on the bus, you will have a chance to meet a lot of people, but you will have to deal with A LOT of annoying or loud people on the bus, especially in the morning when you may want to sleep.  I usually don't prefer the bus.

Carpooling is my favorite way to get to school.  It is efficient for gas money, you can make new friends if carpooling with people for the first time, and it is usually a peaceful drive to/from school.

If you live close enough, walking/riding your bike may be the best option.  It is good exercise, it will wake you up before school, and it is FREE!  You may also make friends if you walk/ride your bike with other people.  Walking/riding your bike will also train your responsibility for staying on time.

Driving there alone is the most peaceful way to get there, and if your mom/dad can drive you, you will have a little time to nap on the way to school.  The bad thing is that it will take a big chunk of money for gas if you live far from school.  Also, you will not be able to make friends through driving alone.

You should be able to choose which way you will choose through your preferences, and hopefully this little list helped you make the decision.  Have fun in school!

What to do at lunch...

There are two different mindsets you can have at lunch time and you can decide which one to take:

Choice #1: Chill with your friends. Don't worry about anything, and take your mind off school. If your school has an option of playing a sport, or going outside then do that and have fun! This is designed to be a break time for you. This mindset is for students who are either really smart, really lazy, or just don't care.

Choice #2: Work. Put in the extra work, and it will pay off in the long run. If you do the homework you got that day at lunch, I guarantee you that you will feel better and more free during your time at home. This is a good option for those students who take part in sports.

Both options have their benefits, and both of them have sacrifices as well. I personally like option number 2 better because it will free up your time when you get home so you can do better things. Some of my friends like option number 1 better because by relaxing at lunch time they can focus better in their other classes. So pick which one you are made for, but make the RIGHT decision, even if it is not the one you necessarily want.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Getting Your Friends Presents For Holidays

During your high school life, you will have many occasions when you will not know whether to give your friends presents or not on holidays. You want to give them a gift, but you don't want to be the only one doing so, and be embarrassed.  So what do you do when this situation comes up?  Well first of all, think about what the holiday is. If it's Christmas, I'm sure everyone will be giving small gifts to people that they like.  As long as it is someone you are really good friends with, it will almost always be a good thing to give a gift to show them some love.
Now onto picking what kind of gift to give.  Make sure you know what you want to get them, and what they will like.  You should probably only be giving personal gifts to people who you know well enough to know what they want.  If it is a more general thing like chocolate, I'm sure everyone will enjoy that.  It is important to make sure that you aren't spending excessive amounts of money on a gift.  Even if you are rich and are willing to give some good stuff to your friends, you will most likely not receive something as expensive as you are giving, so it will make for quite an awkward situation.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Make Class FUN!

How could you ever make class fun? Why should I even stay awake during class? Well if it is an important class you should definitely try to learn. But how can I make class fun? Here are some things my friends and I have tried to make class a lot more fun.

1. Make it a game. How many questions can you or your friend get right? What would the winner get? IF you make class into a game that you can play with your friends, class will go by A LOT FASTER. 
2. Have some fun by making code words with your friends. For example, I had a teacher last year that said "uhmm" at least 5 times in every sentence when he got nervous. Every time this started to happen we would say  "sonic stutter" I do not even remember how we made it up, but one thing is for sure class went by A LOT FASTER. Even if it is something dumb, say it, I mean what could be lame in a classroom? 
3. Start discussions. If you feel like everyone is getting bored in class and the teacher is making no sense at all anymore. You do everyone a favor! Raise your hand and start an off topic discussion that will get everyone engaged, last week I started one and it took up 30 minutes of class! This got me focused and ready to learn for the next one. Another bonus of doing this is, if the teacher has not covered the whole lesson (teachers lose track of time easily), they will not be able to give you homework.

Next time, if you are ever bored in class try one of these things, they can make class fly by. Just do not do them everyday because you may get in trouble. Once in a while is totally fine though. Stay in class, and have fun!   

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Manage Your Time

In high school, it is very easy to forget about homework and play around the whole day, just to realize at 11PM that you had to write a 4 page paper.  With new technology and social networks like Facebook, it is very easy nowadays to get distracted after coming home from school.  Although there are many other things you may be busy with, like knitting, cooking etc., I will mostly be focusing on distractions from electronics in this post.
Here are some big steps you can take to make sure you don't get caught procrastinating on homework.
1. GET OFF OF FACEBOOK! I know it is very tempting to check your notifications, chats, etc. but this will prove to be very costly in your time.  Just finish your homework quick and then you can go on Facebook all you want.
2. Make a rule to only play video games until after you finish homework. That way you'll feel better playing because you can play without worrying about homework.
3. Check your phone maybe once every 30 minutes or so.  Unless you know it is an absolute emergency, the text sender can wait a little while.  Although texting may seem like it only takes a few seconds at a time to do, it can keep you from fully focusing on homework the whole time.
4. Keep the TV off while you do homework. You may think that it's fine because you are a multi-tasker and can fully focus on both, it is ALWAYS a distraction and will slow you down on your homework.
5. If you think music will help you focus, then it should be okay.  Make sure it is not loud distracting music though, keep it quiet and cool.

Keep your focus! Good Luck!

Staying Organized

In high school it's important as ever to STAY ORGANIZED.  It will help you find things faster, work faster, and it will most likely improve your grades as well, because it will ensure that you know what the homework is each night, and you know when to study for quizzes and tests that may be coming up. Here are some tips for staying organized in high school:
1. Use a planner or an agenda to make sure you get the homework for each night down and make sure to write down important dates like tests or quizzes.
2. Keep all of your papers filed away in binders or folders so you can access things without taking time to search your backpack for each individual paper.  It may also help to keep your papers in the order of when you got it so you can pull out the most recent papers quickly.
3. If it helps, keep some alerts on your phone or other electronic devices that you check often so you never miss out on something important.
4. It will help to keep a schedule of when you will do things. Especially on a project, if you have smaller goals for yourself to meet, there is no risk of finding yourself working on a project at 4 in the morning the day it is due.

Staying organized can help a lot in your life down the road as well.  Employers will like workers who can stay organized and your life will be better that way. Good Luck and stay organized!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Using iPods in Class

Who doesn't like music? More importantly, who doesn't like music during class?? Wouldn't you rather be listening to T.I. or Taylor Swift, instead of all the lectures that the teachers go through? Well the key to listening to your iPod or mp3 during class is obviously to not get caught. So what is the best method? There are many different ways to listen to your iPod without getting caught. Here I will list some of the popular ways.
1. The earphones through the sleeve technique-keep iPod in your pocket and run the earphones up through your sweatshirt and into your sleeves, and gently rest your head on your hands and enjoy the music.
2. The light hood technique-Follow the same steps as method 1, but instead of going to the sleeves, go straight up to the ears, and lightly put your hood over your head so the teacher will not see the ear buds, AND the teacher won't yell at you for having your hood up.
3. If you REALLY want to listen to music, you can go and get blue tooth ear buds that will be very hard to see from the teacher.
4. If it's not necessary, then just listen during lectures and most teachers will let you listen to music during work time.

Get earphones that won't stick out in your hair and clothes.
Don't make it loud enough that others can hear it, and make sure you can hear enough to know what is going on in class.
Make sure you don't have to look down at your iPod every time you need to change the song.
Be ready to turn it down if you are asked a question during class.
Try to pick a time in class when you are not likely to be called on for discussion.
Since you are essentially blocking out your teacher's lessons, don't be too surprised if your grades drop from not knowing what's going on during class.
 Good Luck!

Bros Always Come First

You're hanging out after school with your bros, and a girl comes up and asks you to come with her somewhere.  Do you go with your friends? Or the girl...  In high school it's always important to keep your bros at the top of the list.  Girls can come and go, but bros never go.  Think about would you ever get through high school without them??
Here's a real life situation where this is important:
School just ended, and you walk outside the chem room with your bro.  You walk through the halls just messing around and joking with each other.  Then suddenly, a good looking girl in your grade sees you in the hall and comes up to talk to you.  She seems to only want to talk to you, not your friend, so she asks you to walk around with her. Your friend is just standing there giving you a look like "huh?"  It may be very tempting to  go with the girl because you want to keep your chances open with her, but unless she is also a very good friend of yours or she needs something serious, GO WITH THE BRO.  In the end, girls can come and go, but bros you will never outgrow.

Make Teachers Your Allies, Not Enemies

In any situation, it is good to have good relations with the boss.  In this case, the teacher is your boss, and it is necessary for the teacher to like you for you to do very well in the class. It might even get you some extra time to finish homework, or a few lenient points on the test.
Here are some things you should do to keep good relations with the teacher.
1. Do your homework and work during class time.
2. Don't make stupid or rude remarks during class.
3. Make a polite but funny joke that the teacher would find funny.
4. Do NOT suck up to the teacher, as they will not actually like it, and either will your classmates.
5. Get to class on time.
6. If the teacher is unreasonably harsh on the students, don't risk it.  You would rather stay in the neutral zone than risk getting on their bad side.
Follow these and stay on the teacher's good side and you should see that you do better in the class, and maybe even enjoy class more as the teacher will be nicer to you.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sleeping in Class

Everyone has late nights sometimes, and just needs a nap. That wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't in the middle of a class, but sometimes it just happens.  Is it worth it? Are the few minutes of napping really important enough to risk getting yelled at by the teacher? It is worth it, but there are many things you can take into precaution to reduce the chances of getting caught.
1. Make sure if there is a pattern in which the teacher calls on the students, that you are not close to being up.  Nobody likes being the one that everyone giggles at for being caught napping when the teacher calls on you. 
2. Make sure you know what's going on in class, so if the teacher does call on you, you are able to at least make up a reasonable answer.
3. SNEAK IT IN. Don't sit there sprawled out on the desk drooling all over your arm. Gently rest your head on your hand, or put your head down slightly. Stay comfortable, but don't make it too obvious.
4. Make sure it's not an everyday thing. Some teacher can REALLY get mad if it seems like you just don't care at all what they say.  A few minutes of napping isn't worth getting sent to the office is it?
5. Pick the right classes to sleep in. If you know it's a chill teacher, then maybe it'll be fine to sneak in a nap once in a while.  If the teacher is super strict or unreasonably mean, just force yourself to stay awake for that class.
6. You should never plan on sleeping in class. You never want to miss any lesson during school because you never know what's going to end up being super important.  If it is something like a test review, DEFINITELY stay never want to miss out on those.

Study hard, Sleep well!

Balancing School and Sports

In high school it's always important for athletes to find a good balance of schoolwork and sports.  We know what it's like because we play soccer, football, and basketball throughout the school year.  It's always hard to come home past 9 after a long game to a backpack full of homework.
Well here are some things that may help.
1. If it is a project, start as soon as it is assigned. Don't save it for the last night...especially if it's a game night.
2. Do homework whenever you have any free time. I know it's tempting to nap because of a late night and practices, but it's definitely better to sleep at night when you're supposed to.
3. If it's possible, look ahead of what you're doing and maybe knock out some homework for the week during the weekend. Make sure to keep time for relaxing or going out, but try to fit some homework in too.
4. If it just isn't working out, put school first at all times.  I know a game is important to you now, but you're education will be important for your whole life.
5. Put your heart into everything you do to get the most of what you do. When playing sports, give it 100% heart. When studying, give it 100% heart, or brain..?

These will help you stay on track for both school and sports during your seasons. Study hard and play on!


I'm pretty sure everyone has a hard time once in a while with people who just doesn't take things how you want them to take it, and they just overreact way to much.
To keep good friends in high school, it is important to ALWAYS be chill.  After all, how can you hate a super chill guy..
Here are some things you should remember when keeping it chill.
1. Try your best to keep your cool. Don't react without thinking things over.
2. Don't take everything too seriously...take a joke...but don't take tests as a joke!
3. If a teacher just doesn't seem to like you and just won't stop yelling at you, just breathe and let it go.  Not much you can do about it, but it's better to not embarrass yourself in front of your friends...and it's always good to not get suspended..

keep it coooool

How to BOO BOO in the clutch

You have been holding it the whole day, trying to make it home. You simply can't anymore so you walk into the bathroom.
Stall 1: Brown liquid spots all over the seat surface.
Stall 2: Urination on the seat and all over the floor.
Stall 3: No toilet paper!!??!?!?!?
Now you have a choice between 1 and 2 unless you carry extra toilet paper around school (which would defeat the purpose of SWAG). But if you are smart you would not even have checked the public boys bathroom and would have already been done "dropping a duece" in the STAFF BATHROOM. The staff bathroom in most cases have a lock on them so no teachers can bother your "great feeling", this makes for no pressure situations. So, next time you must use the bathroom (#2),RELAX and go to the STAFF BATHROOM!

Surviving Midterm week

Ok so we all know that midterms are nothing but a pain. We sit at hour desks for hours and hours and still feel like there's so much to learn.  Well here are some steps for getting through midterm week with as little pain as possible.
1. Start studying EARLY. If you are a procrastinator like me, at least try to start 2 days before the test.
2. Make sure to do the reviews that teachers recommend..they recommend it for a reason.
3. Try to study at an early time so you can sleep or relax later.
4. Sleep is VERY important before taking a test. Without it the work you put into studying will be partially wasted because of the lack of focus you will have from not sleeping enough.
5. Find a friend to quiz each other with. This really helps to show you what you still need to study and they can teach you what you don't know.
6. Eat a good breakfast before going to school. Your brain needs fuel to think straight.
7. Study study study!

Staying FRESH in School

So you walk into school and you see all these people slowly move away from you. You ask your friend what's wrong with you, and he tells you that you're BOOMING!

Ok so this post is about not smelling bad in school. Everyone knows that it's important to maintain good hygiene so you don't sit there with stinking arm pits or a booming (bad smelling) breath.
Important things to do to stay fresh:
1. Use deodorant before school (just enough to not smell bad..don't over do it)
2. ALWAYS brush your teeth in the morning. Some mouthwash doesn't hurt either
3. Wash your face to feel good in the morning and to help keep acne under control
4. Keep deodorant in your backpack so you can apply it in emergencies
5. Always shower either the night before or in the morning because even if you don't think people notice..they do
6. Wear clothes that have been washed
Follow these simple steps and you'll never have a problem being fresh again!