The High School Life

Surviving and getting through these 4 tough, yet fun years.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What to do at lunch...

There are two different mindsets you can have at lunch time and you can decide which one to take:

Choice #1: Chill with your friends. Don't worry about anything, and take your mind off school. If your school has an option of playing a sport, or going outside then do that and have fun! This is designed to be a break time for you. This mindset is for students who are either really smart, really lazy, or just don't care.

Choice #2: Work. Put in the extra work, and it will pay off in the long run. If you do the homework you got that day at lunch, I guarantee you that you will feel better and more free during your time at home. This is a good option for those students who take part in sports.

Both options have their benefits, and both of them have sacrifices as well. I personally like option number 2 better because it will free up your time when you get home so you can do better things. Some of my friends like option number 1 better because by relaxing at lunch time they can focus better in their other classes. So pick which one you are made for, but make the RIGHT decision, even if it is not the one you necessarily want.

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