The High School Life

Surviving and getting through these 4 tough, yet fun years.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How Do I Get Popular?

In high school, many people feel pressured to be popular, even if it means changing yourself from what you are.  The truth is that it really is NOT that important.  Sure there are many cliques and groups that seem cooler than others and you want to be seen as a part of them too.  It's tempting because you always think about how people will think of you, instead of thinking about yourself. However, it is much more important to become a person that YOU would be proud of, not the "coolest kids in school".  I guarantee that you will have a better time in high school if you choose to be with people you want and like to be around, instead of choosing to be with people who you want to be seen around.  You may be thinking "Well how will I get anywhere in school if I'm not popular?"  Well you should probably end your worries now.  High school is a short part of life, and you don't want to waste your 4 years trying to fit in with people you aren't compatible with.  When high school ends, it won't matter if you were at the "cool kids" table or the quiet one in the back, as long as you are with the people you love.  In your life, you are bound to meet many, many people who you would love to get along with, so no need to work hard trying to fit in with a group whom you don't even enjoy being with.



  1. y'all spelled phase* wrong.#killyoself

  2. aye but you do understand there are 2 ways to spell this.
    Faze:to cause to be disturbed or disconcerted; daunt.
    Phase:any of the major appearances or aspects in which a thing of varying modes or conditions manifests itself to the eye or mind.
    I'm not trying to be rude, but please make sure you know what you're talking about before commenting negatively.

  3. they can be used in the same way depending on the situation.
